Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Originally I was going to have my ultrasound for an anatomy screening on May 24th... but seeing how everyone is way too anxious about it I have rescheduled it for next Monday... 6 DAY COUNTDOWN! I want to take bets on whether people think it will be a boy or a girl, but then I just get to keep all the money. 

I'm very excited to see what "it" is so I can go crazy buying things, finalize nursery plans and start thinking of some superstar names. I know most people brainstorm names early but I decided I wanted to save half the brain power and just wait until I found out the sex.  Some may call that lazy, I call it genius.  

However, ultrasounds can be wrong (story time)... just a few days before I was born my Mom had an ultrasound and the doctors thought that I was a boy.  "There were definitely testicles."  Within those few days I Houdini'd myself and changed my anatomy and popped out a girl!  Even in womb I was a prankster, hence my 2007 "Class Clown" senior superlative.  I was born to be class clown I guess. What happened to my "man parts" you ask?... nobody knows.  I just blame it on the 1989 medical equipment, probably not the best.

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